In these days of drought driving up the costs of just about everything, you can feed your family fresh veggies, starting with the humblest of kitchen gardens.

In these days of drought driving up the costs of just about everything, you can feed your family fresh veggies, starting with the humblest of kitchen gardens.

Take 3 or 4 normal flower boxes, place outside the kitchen door or outside the door you most frequently use, in full sun. Fill with a mixture of 70 % soil and 30% potting soil and plant one 6 hole tray of tomato seedlings.

Plant them in the medium up to the first real leaf. A feeding of Talbourn Seedling Food every 2 weeks and when they grow and flower, a feeding of 3:1:5 fertilizer every 2 weeks. Bamboo stakes are available at Builders in packs of 10.

You will need 2 of these the make teepees with string or wire to provide support for your tomatoes. Water every day early in the morning and watch your lovely tomatoes grow. They taste so much sweeter than shop bought.

In the other boxes sprinkle seeds of lettuce – just a few a week, feeding as above, to give you a constant supply of baby lettuce leaves. Maybe a few Lazy Housewife French beans, providing support when they grow taller. We planted 3 and will plant 3 more now they are beginning to flower, to provide an ongoing supply of succulent baby fine beans.

Contact Francesca Beattie for all your Buying or Selling requirements: Call 083 678 8001