Andrew Ward, Director Enviornmental HOA Board and Dan Barwick, MD of Turfnet, our Landscaping Contractor, held our total attention as they unfurled exciting, bold and achievable goals set to upgrade and beautify our Estate. The amount of work they have done and continue to do is quite staggering. Lets look at the main goals they are achieving and setting over the coming 5 years.


Firstly the improvement of soil in the estate through composting and mulching. This is the basis of healthy, beautiful gardens. We have established a Nursery in the K56 road reserve and are busy making our own compost (Turfnet’s particular expertise) and growing our own plants – keeping indigenous and water wise and propagating lots of succulents. This will supply the public gardens, parks, road verges and road islands throughout the estate. Saturday training sessions for landscaping staff are resulting in motivated, knowledgeable gardeners.

Relationships with the Parks Board are being nurtured and great response is resulting. All our parks belong to the Parks Board and they must and are willing to play an important role is helping us achieve a beautiful estate, including trimming of verge trees, important for healthy verge plants. The Community is encouraged to get involved! If you have excess plants for recycling please contact Gary our Manager on 011 465 7731. All the plants received will be nurtured and an Annual Low Cost Plant Sale for residents is envisaged!

A Green file is being installed at HOA Offices and residents are encouraged to add their comments and suggestions, to give our Landscaper ongoing feedback.


At the AGM it was unanimously voted by residents to use budget to upgrade our needy roads. Great progress has been made with Johannesburg Roads Agency and FWG have started a 5 year plan for road upgrade throughout the Estate, without any special Levies. A major upgrade is currently being undertaken in Phase 1, with the plan in place for the whole estate. Our Levy is perhaps the lowest of any gated estate and these upgrades will do a lot to improve the value of our properties.


Here we have a huge challenge. At the AGM it was evident that the residents want a dam in Phase 2. The problem is constant natural accumulation of silt coming in from greater Fourways. This is a common problem at all the 450 dams in Johannesburg. Currently our environmental team are cleaning up, taking advice from experts and carefully navigating the serious protocol involved in working with wetlands. Silt traps are being implemented all the way along the water way, with a limited budget, invasive plants are systematically being removed and bird life is being protected. At all times in the future, the residents, not the Board will decide on any high value project at an EGM.

The Nature Reserve dam has been equipped with an oxygen tank, with very positive improvements to the water life there. Borehole water is used to top it up and other boreholes are planned.

CCTV cameras are being installed to control vandalism in our parks and speeding on our roads which unfortunately is necessary in our estate. Security where water ways occur is another challenge. Our environmental team together with surrounding estates are working on fine tuning of security where rivers are present. All in all a very upbeat future for our stunning estate! Please, residents do get involved!


By Francesca Beattie